Wednesday, January 19, 2011

sleep late & wake up is bad ?

8am : knock.knock.knock.( door knock )
'weh, bangun-bangun ! dah kul 8 ni !' ha ?dah kul 8.omaigod,macamana boleh tak sedar nie, kelas kul 8.confirm puan dah masuk.
' weh beby ,( my roomate ) bangun ! dah kul 8 ! kita dah lewat ni.mampus ! '
grab my towel n berlari ke toilet.sempat cuci muka & berus gigi je.hehe(=
pakai uniform yang tak iron.( get dressed as quickly as possible ) & terus ke kelas.baju & towel men campak je.bilik ade macam tokang pecah dah.ahh , mampos lah !

dalam kelas arini, aku ngan beby lah paling wangi.yelah.1 botol perfume.nah hambek kau ! selalu tak penah-penah pakai perfume.huahaha:D.
'sorry madam , it's not my fault but i hit snooze my alarm phone.i am not aware' :(
alhamdulillah,we all atend class dengan selamat nya.hehe.

today blaja pasal renal failure.and this is anatomy of kidney 
pssstt..acely i dun worry to wake up late,but i am worried missed my brekfes.haha.makan tu penting lah.mana boleh,nanti kurus la macamni.*sigh*

the moral of the story : when the alarm clock sounded,jump up quickly.the biggest mistake that u will later beat yourself up for, is to hit snooze ! DO NOT HIT SNOOZE!!! Get out off bed,turn off the alarm and leave the bedroom !